
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 630
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Britain's Got Talent week is here again! Well, it WAS here. So let's crank up The Lark Ascending, hit that rewind button and recap the week in Weatherfield between the 27th and the 31st May (Episodes #11,276 - 11,280).
Everyone watching this week's Corrie most likely went into Monday's episode with their theories about what was going to happen - and if you were anything like us, you were probably right with a lot of it. The identity of Lauren's so-called killer, the outcome of Roy's confrontation with Griff that was teased when we were shown his makeshift blade last week, the budding romantic tension between Carla and Swain... but despite the week still being relatively low on shocks, we really did quite enjoy it - for the most part. The 'different perspectives' schtick wasn't necessarily needed, but it was fun for the three days it lasted, and the flashbacks on Thursday - especially the one with Joel looking at himself in the mirror - were especially effective. There was a lot to unpack this week and it actually turned out to be one our longest ever Street Talk segments, so after recapping some of the week's big news stories in The Kabin, we decided to end the podcast there. We will get to that feedback eventually, though, we promise!

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Corrieliminator: Part 2
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
We know we said we wouldn't be doing Round 2 of this until June, but we just couldn't wait any longer to randomly select our next batch of thirty characters to rank and Corrieliminate... And if you thought we had difficulty deciding which three would make it through to the next round last time, well, this round is even harder!
You can vote for your own top three characters from this round's selection at the link below, and the three characters with the most votes will be joining the top picked characters from last round in the online grand finale next year! Make your pick here! https://forms.gle/LWSm6QPfjvQKPvLz5

Saturday May 25, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 629
Saturday May 25, 2024
Saturday May 25, 2024
On our latest edition of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 20th and the 24th May 2024 (Episodes #11,270 - 11,275).
Those returning villains just keep on coming, with both Dean and Griff making a reappearance this week, and Corey, though admittedly not on screen, being a big focus of Monday's episode. Were any of them behind Lauren's murder? Is Lauren actually even dead? Like most viewers, we definitely have our doubts, but we guess it won't be too long until we find out now... It's been a tough old week for Abi too - not only does she discover a documentary has been made about Seb's 'rising star' killer, but then she finds out a sex tape is doing the rounds online that seems to contain footage of her! Meanwhile, Bernie tries in vain to convince Kit to be part of the family, Bethany makes a surprise new BFF and Simon prepares to head out to sea with his dad - but will Leanne be back from the retreat in time before he ups anchor and sets sail?
Not a whole lot of Corrie related news this week, but we do at least get the NTA nominations to chat about in The Kabin, and we finish things off with more of your feedback, including some great suggestions for Corrie/Simpsons crossover characters following this week's Listener Questions episode!
Street Talk - 00:09:36
The Kabin - 02:11:19
Feedback - 02:19:16

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Listener Questions
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
For this week's bonus podcast, it's time for some Listener Questions! First off, we answer Breaunte's question, who wants to know how we'd make the Community Centre a bigger part of the show. Considering that this is a place that you're lucky to see the inside of more than ten times a year, there's certainly scope for it to be used a heck of a lot more, but what exactly would we do with it? We hope you're listening, Kate Brooks, cos we've got plenty of ideas! Next up, the chance to be a bit sillier and more imaginative as Frankie asks us which Simpsons characters would play which Weatherfield residents if the long-running animated sitcom were to do a crossover with the even longer-running soap. Would Homer play Steve or Tim? Which classic Corrie villain would Sideshow Bob suit best? Are there any couples of families who can be directly transposed? Hopefully if you're a Simpsons fan you like some of our ideas, and we'd love to hear yours too!

Saturday May 18, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 628
Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
In our latest podcast, we share our thoughts on what went on in Corrie between the 13th and the 17th May 2024 (Episodes #11,264 - 11,269).
There were a few nice little mysteries this week that keep us guessing, with the question of the identity of Nathan's attacker on Wednesday being the most intriguing - even if we didn't think Corrie quite stuck the landing once the mystery assailant was revealed. Bernie's search for her long-lost son also proved quite interesting, and with Christopher / Kit / Zodiac / Zac now working under the iron-fisted DS Swain, it looks like we may be seeing a whole lot more of him in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the always entertaining Sally provided the laughs on Friday as she sucked up to Demi, the garage takes one step closer to coming out of the dark ages thanks to a new website and Leanne heads off on an Institute retreat - but just how brainwashed will she be on her return?
After a brief news section we delve into the mailbag with some of your feedback, including one listener's ponderings on modern Corrie lacking main characters like Les Battersby with clearly bigoted views - and how he thought the Max story should have ended differently.
Street Talk - 00:11:31
The Kabin - 02:43:45
Feedback - 02:50:04

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Duggie Ferguson Character Profile
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
For this week's bonus podcast, we chat about the Crusher himself, Duggie Ferguson. Despite coming into the show as the intolerant father of salon stylist Tom and spending pretty much all his time on the show trying to get one over his business rivals by fair means or (more usually) foul, we reckon Duggie's generally looked back on with fondness from those who watched Corrie back at the turn of the millennium, and in this episode, we try to figure out why. From his disastrous year at the helm of the Rovers to his demise at the hands of Richard Hillman, we cover all of Duggie's best bits here - enjoy!

Saturday May 11, 2024
Conversation Street Episode #627
Saturday May 11, 2024
Saturday May 11, 2024
On our latest episode of the podcast, we have a natter about what went on in Corrie between the 6th and the 10th May 2024 (Episodes #11,258 - 11,263).
A mixed bag of opinions on this week's episodes, to be honest. Though we were both in agreement that the return of Nathan Curtis to the show left us feeling slightly underwhelmed - but still hopeful that be getting a bit more sinister in the coming weeks - while Gemma's still very much engaged in the Lauren story, Michael's patience for how long it's dragging out is wearing a little thin... A lot of characters getting angry at each other this week too - while Maria's annoyance at Gary after catching him with Sarah is somewhat understandable, George and Glenda at war just doesn't sit right with us! Also this week, Bernie organises a 24-hour karaokethon (that we only got to see snippets of two songs of), Alya heads off to Ireland and Liam becomes the third character in a week to be found collapsed on the floor - honestly, we just think everyone's trying to get in on Summer's bit while she's off in the US...
In The Kabin, we discuss the new details on the Radio Times Soap Awards, which we now have a date and a location for - will they be a fitting replacement for the BSAs? We round things off with more of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:12:46
The Kabin - 02:02:50
Feedback - 02:21:02

Thursday May 09, 2024
Corrieliminator: Part 1
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
In the first part of an ongoing series of podcasts, we pit thirty randomly selected Corrie characters against each other, ranking them from 1 to 30. Who will make it into the Top 3, avoiding Corrielimination and earning a place in the Grand Final? Tune in and find out! We're planning to do a round of this roughly once a month, so we'll be back in June for Round 2!
Don't agree with our list? Or maybe you do! Whatever the case, you can choose your own Top 3 in our Google poll at https://forms.gle/dB7DSqhYkeRYSBj28 , and once all ten rounds are complete, the Top 30 will be pitted against each other in a final online vote!

Saturday May 04, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 626
Saturday May 04, 2024
Saturday May 04, 2024
On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street shown between the 29th April and the 3rd May (Episodes #11,252 - 11,257).
It's been quite a while since the Paul story has been at the forefront of the show, but it returned to the spotlight this week, bringing a new character into the mix in the form of Paul and Gemma's dad Denny. Sounds like he's got a bit of a secret about our Bernadette too - but does this story need any extra bells and whistles at this stage? We were also introduced to some new characters in Steve's dating adventures this week too, with Aurora and Demi both making quite the impression. Meanwhile, Roy takes a step towards solving the mystery of Lauren's disappearance, and Alya and Adam finally admit their feelings for each other. Well, maybe 'finally' isn't the right word considering how they seemed to have been conjured out of nowhere to facilitate Sair Khan's maternity leave story, but you get the picture.
Not an especially big week for news this week, but there are a few small stories to cover before we head into the feedback section to hear some of your reactions to Toyah's big revelation, plus in a refreshing change to what seems to be a growing majority of online discourse at the moment, a thoroughly positive email about the state of the show at the moment - fancy that!
Street Talk - 00:09:04
The Kabin - 02:00:18
Feedback - 02:06:50

Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 625
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
In our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in the show between the 22nd and the 26th April (Episodes #11,246 - 11,251).
Well this week's action certainly stirred up some strong opinions online, didn't it? And we're not talking about the will-they-won't-they relationship status of Asha and Nina either.. No, it seems that with Toyah's new story, which kicked off on Monday, Corrie is asking its viewers to suspend quite a bit of disbelief and accept the fact that for six months or so of 2001, Toyah was pregnant with Phil Simmonds' baby. You know, despite there being no evidence on screen at the time that that could have possibly been the case. Since rumours of this story started doing the rounds about a month or so ago, we've been whipping ourselves into a frenzy about the unlikelihood of this turn of events, and now it's been shown on screen... we really do have mixed opinions. Elsewhere this week, the little projectionist living inside Roy's head treats us to another thrilling instalment of what's going on in his inner psyche, Amy struggles to find interview guests for her new radio show (we've all been there, Amy!) and Todd makes a scandalous discovery tucked amongst Archie's files at the undertaker's...
Up next on the podcast, we take a trip to the Kabin, where the new sponsor taking over the Co-op unit on Victoria Street has been revealed, and Sue Cleaver's got a new book coming out later in the year! We've got plenty of listener emails to get through at the end of the episode, so we round things of with a bit of a bumper feedback section.
Street Talk - 00:07:22
The Kabin - 02:24:26
Feedback - 02:40:24