
Saturday Dec 28, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 660
Saturday Dec 28, 2024
Saturday Dec 28, 2024
Merry Christmas everyone! In our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about the festive - and not so festive! - goings on in Weatherfield between the 23rd and 27th December (Episodes #11,447 - 11,453).
Before we dive into our usual Street Talk segment, we've got a bit of a Christmas treat for you: an interview with new Corrie producer Kate Brooks! When we were at the recent press day, we were able to grab Kate for five minutes to ask her about her vision for the show now she's at the helm - tune in to find out what she had to say!
Up next on the podcast, it's business as usual with our recap of the week's episodes - and what a great week it was! The biggest event, of course, was Gail's departure from Weatherfield after 50 glorious years on the show. Did it manage to hit all the right notes, and what did we make of that very special cameo at the end of Tuesday's episode? Second billing this week went to the Battersby sisters, who came to blows in a Christmas Day punch up at the Bistro. As fans of both characters, we've decided that it's best not to pick a side here - we prefer to just sit back and enjoy the chaos unfold! Also this week, Shona admits to David she's been unfaithful, Mason tries his best to ingratiate himself to Carla and Lisa, and Daisy finds herself in the middle of her very own 'Who's The Daddy?' story!
Unfortunately, we had to cut the podcast short after Street Talk as we had a five hour drive ahead of us, so no news or feedback this week - hopefully, normal service will resume next episode!
00:15:17 - Kate Brooks Interview
00:26:29 - StreetTalk

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
The A-Z Of Gail
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
After 50 years, Gail has finally bid a fond farewell to Weatherfield and headed off to a new life in the south of France. In this special tribute episode of the podcast, we bring you the A-Z of all things Gail, from Audrey to... well, you'll just have to wait and see how we managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel with the tail end of the alphabet! Focusing on the characters, stories, moments and even memes that make Gail an icon not only of Corrie but of television as a whole, this special episode of the podcast celebrates the life of one of the most enduring characters of our favourite soap.
Also available on YouTube, featuring around 300 photos of Gail during here time in the show! https://youtu.be/XRsO2unD5QE

Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 659
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
On our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 16th and the 20th December (Episodes #11,441 - 11,446).
It may be the season of goodwill an' all, but sorry, we just can't bring ourselves to feel all that charitable about the Lauren story this week, which reared its head again with a fresh batch of misery for the terminally tragic teen. This time, Frankie's being diagnosed with aplastic anaemia - will Dee-Dee step in to help, even if it means keeping her own unwanted baby? Also this week, the word's slowly starting to get out that Daisy was the one who caused Shona's injury last week - though that's nothing compared to the hot gossip that Sally picks up on Friday when she sees Carla and Lisa kissing on the cobbles! Meanwhile, preparations for Gail and Jesse's wedding are in full force, though is Audrey right about her making a massive mistake?
Up next, it's The Kabin, and we chat about Lorna Laidlaw's recent appearance on another podcast talking about her time on Corrie, and we round off the show with some more of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:09:23
The Kabin - 02:31:19
Feedback - 02:47:26

Monday Dec 16, 2024
The Conversation Street Award 2024 Nominations
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
The time has come once again to cast your votes in the annual Conversation Street Awards, now in its 13th year! This year's Corrie has seen a cult, a couple of whodunnits, some blossoming romances and more secrets and lies than you can shake a stick at, but which stories and characters do you think deserve to come out on top? Voting for the awards is now open, so head over to the link below to pick your favourite characters and stories of the year, but if you need a bit of help in making your decision, in this episode we discuss every single nomination. Vote here! https://forms.gle/3GGACMKe6EfcnRYG9

Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 658
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
On our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 9th and the 13th December (Episodes #11,435 - 11,440).
It may have made things a bit tricky when we were writing out the notes for the episode, but there was quite a bit of criss-crossing over of stories this week, which we always enjoy - and even better when drama with the Platts is at the centre of it! Gail and Jesse's wedding plans, Max taking his eye off the ball with Frankie and getting him whisked away by the Deerings, and, of course, all the intrigue surrounding Shona's accident on Monday night made for another explosive week on the cobbles, and we had a great time chatting about our reaction to it all. Not only that, but we also had Daniel and Daisy getting closer again, some brilliant scenes with Evelyn and even a new actor playing little Harry - great stuff!
Not really very much in terms of news this week, so we skip over The Kabin section again and finish off with more of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:17:01
Feedback - 02:48:28

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Stu Carpenter Character Profile
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Our bonus episode this week is a character profile of Stu Carpenter, who left Weatherfield for pastures new a couple of months ago after three years on the cobbles. After strumming his way onto the street in 2021, the guitar-playing vagabond-turned-Speed Daal chef has been involved in a handful of big stories over the years, most notably when we found out about the truth behind his wrongful imprisonment that saw him serve nearly thirty years behind bars. But how will Stu be remembered - as a lively breath of fresh air or an underused character who never quite reached his potential? Join us for a look back at his time on the street in our latest podcast!

Saturday Dec 07, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 657
Saturday Dec 07, 2024
Saturday Dec 07, 2024
On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Corrie shown in the UK between the 2nd and the 6th December (Episodes #11,429 - 11,434).
Christmas time is nearly here, and as an early present, Corrie gave us a reprieve from all the police stories (well, mostly..) and instead focused on two of our favourite families of the Street: the Platts and the Battersbys. They may have been at each other's throats or otherwise ready to fall to pieces, but what's a soap Christmas without a family bust-up, eh? Leanne's plan to get revenge on her disloyal sister was delicious, and although we're always on the side of David and Shona staying together, we can't deny we were hooked by the mystery of what she got up to on Wednesday night... Meanwhile, you've got classic Corrie callbacks aplenty with Les' funeral, Rowan's on trial, plus there's plenty of Debbie Webster and even a rare Gail appearance... all in all, a lot to sink our teeth into!
After Street Talk, it's The Kabin, and we couldn't not discuss the front page news about the reasons behind Sean Wilson's axing. Plus, the Christmas TV schedules are out, so when can we expect to see the festive Street drama over the festive fortnight? We round off the show as always with some of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:16:34
The Kabin - 02:59:43
Feedback - 03:23:54

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Corrieliminator: Round 7
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
It's been a bit of a while since Round 6, but Corrieliminator is back! Once again, we've got another set of thirty randomly chosen characters from across the years to rank and Corrieliminate, leaving only a handful to make it to next year's grand finale. From legends like Deirdre and Derek to... more forgettable characters like Mel Morton and Lucy Barlow (see, we had to put their surnames in so you knew who we were talking about!), everyone's case is put forward - but only three can get through to the next round!
If you'd like to have a say in the listener vote, head over to https://forms.gle/VRsmjGJraDKpFB4j6

Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 656
Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Saturday Nov 30, 2024
On our latest episode of the podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 25th and the 29th November (Episodes #11,423 - 11,428)
Bit of a funny week for us this week as the pair of us watched two of the episodes separately from each other, so recording Street Talk was the first time we actually got to hear each other's opinions on the week's goings on! To cut a long story short, we're both very much invested in the revenge that Leanne is plotting for Nick after discovering that he and Toyah are still having it off behind her back - and the prospect of seasoned vindictive cow Tracy Barlow acting as spurned Leanne's second in command makes us all the more excited! Also this week, Carla gets a bonk on the bonce when Mason's brothers are interrupted breaking into the factory - will her near-death experience spur her on to making a proper go of it with Lisa? Meanwhile, Alya returns to Weatherfield and spares no time in picking up where she left off with Adam, Lauren finds out whether or not Frankie can join her in the clink, and we learn of the off-screen death of Les Battersby - but was giving the character the heave-ho in this way a good move?
Although there's a bit of news we could have covered this week, for various reasons we decide to put it off until next week's podcast, but we still manage to squeeze in a bit of your feedback before we finish things off - including another lovely iTunes review!
Street Talk - 00:16:06
Feedback - 02:38:35

Saturday Nov 23, 2024
Conversation Street Episode 655
Saturday Nov 23, 2024
Saturday Nov 23, 2024
On our latest podcast, we have a natter about the episodes of Coronation Street shown in the UK between the 18th and the 22nd November (Episodes #11,417 - 11,422).
It's the aftermath of the big whodunnit week, and Max is behind bars again after confessing to the murder to protect Lauren. Unfortunately for him, when David and Shona find out about what he's done, David's happy to throw Lauren under the bus - but did he do the right thing? Meanwhile, there are some saucy Swain and Connor scenes this week, as the latter decides to Swarla her pride after weeks of hesitancy and jump between the sheets with the undercover detective. Also this week, Mason's brothers are on the prowl, Dee-Dee finds out she's up the duff-duff, and Cassie resorts to desperate measures to keep her job as Ken's carer.
In The Kabin, we celebrate Corrie's recent wins at the RTS NW Awards, and we finish things off with some lovely feedback.
Street Talk - 00:10:52
The Kabin - 02:25:07
Feedback - 02:34:59