Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Conversation Street Episode 491
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
On this week's podcast, we have a good old natter about the episodes of Coronation Street shown in the UK between the 4th and the 8th October (Episodes #10446 - 10451).
It's the Corrie curry cook-off this week when Debbie decides to set the Bistro in direct competition with Speed Daal. That's not the only thing Zeedan has to worry about either, as he's paid an unwelcome visit from one of the in-laws on Friday, which threatens to make things a whole lot worse for the business. Meanwhile, Kevin's hunt for Abi takes him to the Dog & Gun, Summer resorts to unscrupulous measures in an attempt to get herself an interview for Oxford, and Fergus is recruited into the Sally Army in the battle for residents-only parking.
Up next on the podcast, we head to The Kabin, where we're joined for a chat by Katherine Wells and Caroline Austen, the lucky pair who managed to snag themselves an exclusive overnight stay on the cobbles last weekend, courtesy of AirBnB. We round off the podcast, as always, with more of your fabulous feedback.
Street Talk - 00:13:30
The Kabin - 02:13:29
Feedback - 02:39:50
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Steven Murphy Interview
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Earlier this year, Steven Murphy left his role of editor of Inside Soap Magazine after nearly 25 years at the publication, and for our bonus show this week, he's kindly agreed to come onto the podcast to chat about how working in the magazine industry has changed over the years, what he thinks makes soap such an enduring medium, and who some of his favourite Corrie characters have been. It was a real privilege to chat to someone who's such an expert in the field of soap and find out what it's like behind the scenes of the magazine - we hope you enjoy!
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Conversation Street Episode 490
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street shown in the UK between the 27th September and the 1st October (Episodes #10440 - 10445)
This week, Imran's clearly feeling mighty regretful about his night at Sabeen's house after the trial, but the big question is, is he guilty of cheating on Toyah with her... or could the brief have dropped his boxers for someone else...? Also this week, Max continues to cause trouble for Daniel, Audrey's spat with Rita worsens, and Kevin and Tim kick up a fuss at the football grounds.
Next up in the podcast, we head on over to The Kabin to share our thoughts on the recently revealed Inside Soap Award nominations, and we round off the show with more of your listener feedback.
Street Talk - 00:12:47
The Kabin - 01:58:48
Feedback - 02:18:35
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Christmas Storyline Lucky Dip!
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Have you ever wondered how the Corrie writers come up with their ideas for the big festive plot lines year after year? Well believe it or not, not only have we uncovered the secret - bundling a load of character names, plots points, locations and props in a hat and drawing a selection at random - we've actually got hold of said equipment ourselves and used it to find out what's in store for us this December! Okay, this may sound rather silly, but hey, it was actually quite a bit of fun trying to flesh out links between some of the bizarre combinations of characters that were drawn.. Just don't come knocking at our door if none of it turns out to be true. Or if all of it turns out to be true. Heck, we've just moved house, so you don't know where we live anyway!
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Conversation Street Episode 489
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street broadcast in the UK between the 20th and the 24th September (Episodes #10434 - 10439).
Ooh, this week's Corrie certainly got fans riled up, didn't it? If you were on social media on Wednesday night, you'll have no doubt seen the furore caused by Freda's kidnapping of Aled in an attempt to prevent him getting his cochlear implants. We kick off the Street Talk segment of the show by weighing in with our thoughts on this issue - as we had quite a strong reaction to those eps too! When Freda wasn't barricading herself in community centres this week, she was saying goodbye to Norris, whose funeral took place on Friday. Before the episodes aired, we were somewhat concerned that they wouldn't get the tone right, especially after pictures of Mary in her Princess Leia outfit surfaced. Were we left disappointed, or did we find it a fitting tribute to a legacy character? Tune in to find out!
Up next on the podcast, we take a stroll past the decapitated paperboy and into The Kabin, where we report on Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to the Street and a new Corrie branded product that'll be hitting the shelves in your local Co-Op soon. We round off the show, as always, with more of your listener feedback.
Street Talk - 00:05:48
The Kabin - 02:04:47
Feedback - 02:20:11
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Conversation Street Episode 488
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
We've done it! After many months of banging on about it on the podcast, we've finally moved house this week, so this marks the first episode recorded on our new place!
This podcast covers the week of the 13th to the 17th September (Episodes #10426 - 10433), which saw a massive load of characters who we hadn't seen for a while show back on the cobbles. In addition to Ken's well overdue return from Southampton, we had both Freda and Claudia making a comeback, though sadly in unhappy circumstances.. Not only that, but Speed Daal welcomed both Elaine and Zeedan through its doors for the first time in ages, Gary received a visit from his ex-partner in loan sharking, Sharon, and all-round nice guy Phill returned to sweep Fiz off her feet. Meanwhile, Imran's nursing a sore head after his night with Sabeen, Jimmi Harkishin outdoes himself with his Devviest performance yet, much to Aadi's embarrassment, and Alina pops off to Romania... but is she alone?
Next up on the podcast, we celebrate another pair of wins for Corrie at the TRIC Awards, and we round off the show with more of your listener feedback.
Street Talk - 00:24:23
The Kabin - 02:44:07
Feedback - 02:51:54
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Maximus Evans Interview
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
This week, we were lucky to have a chat with Maximus Evans, who plays Corrie's latest bad boy, Corey Brent. Having just seen Corey found not guilty in Seb's murder trial, we were keen to find out Max's view of the despicable character he's been playing for the past two years on the show, and we also learn what it was like to film those flashback scenes from a few weeks ago as well as what he thinks should end up happening to Corey when soap justice eventually catches up with him!
This episode is also available in video form on our YouTube channel.
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Conversation Street Episode 487
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
We're days away from moving house now, and with a whole lot of packing still to be done, we decided to make this a somewhat shorter than normal episode of the podcast - though that's still only short by our standards, of course, so there's still nearly two hours to listen to!
In our final Street Talk segment recorded in the place that's been home to Conversation Street for the past nine years, we chat about the episodes of Corrie shown in the UK between the 6th and the 10th September (Episodes #10422 - 10425).
It's almost as if Corrie knew we didn't want to spend too long on this edition of the podcast as there were only four episodes broadcast this week rather than the usual six, and what a great set of eps they were! Continuing the momentum set up by last week's courtroom drama, this week's action saw both Kelly and Laura take the stand - though it quickly became apparent that getting her mum to testify was about as good a decision for Kelly as agreeing to go out to the wasteland with Corey that fateful evening in May.. We may not have been too surprised by the final verdict when it was delivered on Friday, but the last few scenes of the episode had a couple of developments that made our jaws drop - and actually led to a podcasting first for Michael..! Similarly to last week, we also had a couple of unnecessary appearances from a handful of other storylines on Monday: Eileen and George finally get together after fall-out number 327, Curtis gets bladdered and we're both convinced he has Munchausen's, and Hope's got the back to school blues and our Michael can empathise - perhaps throwing slime at a display board might be an idea for letting off steam for him too..?
We decided to give the feedback section a miss for this episode, but we couldn't possibly ignore the Kabin, considering how well Corrie's done in the awards this week, picking up a hat-trick from the TV Choice and the National Television Awards! We chat about our reactions to who won what, who gave the best acceptance speech and, for the first time in a jolly long while thanks to the pandemic, we give our commentary on the fashion of the night at the NTAs!
Street Talk - 00:02:21
The Kabin - 01:29:34
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Charlie De Melo interview
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
For this week's bonus podcast, we're joined by Charlie de Melo, who's recently been fighting for justice for his on-screen foster daughter Kelly in the role of Imran Habeeb. We chat about what it was like to get out on location to film this and last week's epic courtroom clashes, the reappearance of Imran's ex-wife Sabeen, and how he's enjoyed the recent fostering storylines. As well as this, we hear Charlie's reflections on being one of the main players in Corrie's 60th anniversary week last year, and ponder what the future might hold for him and Toyah.
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Conversation Street Episode #486
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Corrie shown in the UK between the 30th August and the 3rd September (Episodes #10416 - 10421).
It was a bit of a special week on Corrie this week, with the majority of the episodes dedicated to Corey and Kelly's trial. Monday's episode gave us the chance to find out the whole truth about what happened to Seb and Nina, with flashback techniques used to revisit the events surrounding the attack. Then, on Wednesday, Nina decks herself out in all her finery to recount her tale in court - and brings smarmy Sabeen down a peg or two at the same time. Finally, Friday gave us the chance to see Imran give Corey a damn good roasting in the dock - but has he pushed him too hard?
Up next on the podcast, it's time to take a trip to The Kabin as we find out which young character is the latest to get a head swap, and we round out the show with some listener feedback about this week's epic flashback and courtroom scenes.
Street Talk - 00:11:52
The Kabin - 02:44:15
Street Talk - 03:08:57