
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 608
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
On our latest episode of the podcast, we chat Christmas on the cobbles, sharing our thoughts on what went on in Weatherfield between the 25th and the 29th December (Episodes #11,145 - 11,150).
If you spent any amount of time online in places where Corrie is discussed over the past week, you'll have seen some quite lively debate about one or more of the following topics: Was the half hour trip to Weatherfield on the 25th just a bit boring, or was it a classic, old-school episode where we just get to enjoy seeing what our favourite characters are up to on Christmas morning? Did the Boxing Day two-hander provide a suitable exit to the legacy character of Peter, or did Carla insisting he hopped on a plane despite neither of them really wanting him to leave not really make any sense? And of course, is new chapter Bobby a breath of fresh air, or is he just plain annoying? Well, you can bet we've got our own opinions on all the three of those questions, plus a lot more this episode!
The Kabin segment this week brings discussion of the Christmas and Boxing Day ratings for all three of the main soaps, plus good news for Team Corrie at the Big Soap Quiz and Get Britain Singing. Then, after a little bit of listener feedback, we delve into a few juicy press rumours about 2024 cast changes in a Kabin Extra segment.
Street Talk - 00:11:44
The Kabin - 02:32:22
Feedback - 02:47:38
Kabin Extra - 02:57:46

Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 607
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
In our latest podcast, we chat about the Corrie episodes shown in the UK between the 18th and the 22nd December (Episodes #11,139 - 11,144).
It's the week before Christmas, and even though it doesn't necessarily feel like it's building up to anything especially explosive on the big day, Friday's trip to Weatherfield did at least get us invested in Ed's gambling story for the first time, and it's certainly going to be cringe inducing to watch him being the only one at No. 3 to open a gift on Monday morning surrounded by his loving family! Meanwhile, Jenny and Daisy resort to underhand measures to get their mitts on the Rovers, and we discuss our stance on their deception. Also this week, we share our thoughts about the stagnation of certain businesses on the street as it seems like things are going to be back to to status quo at the salon, and it looks like Peter's getting ready to set sail - but can Carla's mysterious Christmas gift get him to change his mind?
A fairly short episode of the podcast this week, but you haven't got time to listen to us wittering on, have you? It's Christmas! Have a good one, and don't forget to vote in the Conversation Street Awards if you haven't done so yet!
Street Talk - 00:07:41
Feedback - 02:03:49

Monday Dec 18, 2023
The Conversation Street Awards 2023 - The Nominations
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Voting has opened in the Conversation Street Awards 2023! In this episode of the podcast, we chat about each of the characters, stories and moments that are up for an award, and if you haven't cast your vote yet, hopefully this will help you to decide what to go for!
Cast your vote here: https://forms.gle/bVMbVa6EabVSSFyp6

Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 606
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
It's a bit later than usual, but we're finally here with Episode #606 of the podcast, where we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 11th and the 15th December (Episodes #11133 - 11137).
That was actually a pretty decent week this week, wasn't it? And who'd have thought that the Ryan, Daniel and Daisy story, which we've been somewhat cool on recently, would be the reason for its quality? Daniel has always been at his most watchable when he's let his pompous, entitled and manipulative side loose, and we certainly saw a lot of that this week as he led Daisy up the garden path knowing full well that he was well aware of her bedroom shenanigans with Ryan. There were definitely shades of angry 80s Ken in Rob Mallard's performance this week, and we loved it! Also this week, the comparably low stakes drama of Stephen's journal led to a surprise callback to a nearly 40 year old story for Gail, and the goings on at Number 9 led to more brilliant Evelyn moments. Even the Stu storyline had a few interesting twists in!
Up next on the podcast, it's The Kabin, and one benefit of us releasing this episode late was that we don't have to wait a week to celebrate Ellie Leach's triumph on Strictly! We finish things off with more of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:16:55
The Kabin - 02:27:21
Feedback - 02:39:14

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
We Talk Doctor Who With Charlie De Melo
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
You thought you'd heard the last of him on this podcast, but nay! There's no way we were going to let Charlie de Melo make an appearance on one of our favourite non-Corrie shows without getting him on for a natter about it! So a bit of a different bonus episode this week, then - with a distinct lack of Corrie chat but an awful lot of Doctor Who, Michael and Charlie talk about his what it was like to play opposite Neil Patrick Harris and David Tennant in last week's 60th anniversary episode, The Giggle. To donate to the fundraiser mentioned by Charlie in the video, please go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/sr6e5-help-for-david

Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 605
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
On this week's podcast, we chat about what went on in Corrie between the 4th and the 8th December (Episodes #11,127 - 11,132).
Daniel's out for revenge this week when he discovers what's been going on between Ryan and Daisy. With Ryan potentially moving to Glasgow with Crystal, can Daniel bank on his love rival getting out of Daisy's life for good, or will he have to resort to more devious methods to keep them apart? Meanwhile, Bernie's sentenced to three months behind bars, and Gemma isn't happy! Meanwhile, Evelyn's on the warpath when she sees someone mistreating their dog, Isla confesses her feelings to Asha, and birthday girl Hope gets herself studded.
The Christmas schedules are out, and in The Kabin, we check out when we can catch up with Corrie over the festive period - and react to the news that we'll only be visiting Weatherfield for half an hour on the big day! We round off the podcast with more of your feedback.
Street Talk - 00:22:41
The Kabin - 02:10:34
Feedback - 02:36:45

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 604
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
On our latest podcast, we talk about the episodes of Corrie shown in the UK between the 30th November and the 1st December (Episodes #11121 - 11126). Before we get onto that, though, we chat for a while about our trip to London last weekend, when we attended a live Q&A and book signing with Corrie legend Julie Hesmondhalgh! Not only did we have a chance to talk with her and her husband, Corrie writer Ian Kershaw, but we also got to chat with her mate Connie Hyde, who played Gina Seddon between 2017 and 2019 - who as you might remember was a bit of a favourite character of ours back then!
Up next is the Street Talk segment, where we have a natter about what went on in Weatherfield in the past week. Christmas came early to No. 5 on Friday, ahead of Bernie's imminent sentencing - and trust Chesney to come and pour cold water over the festivities by bringing round a woman from child protection to investigate Joseph's mysterious bouts of sickness! Also this week, we're introduced to Ed and Ronnie's dad Sarge, who seems like a fun character - though of course you can't be part of the Bailey clan at the moment without immediately hitting secretly broke Ed up for some cash and making his gambling problems spiral even further! Elsewhere on the cobbles, Lauren and Sabrina make amends, Asha continues to be ignorant of Nina's problem with her Isla obsession and opportunity comes knocking on Ryan's door.
There's a very, very truncated feedback section at the end of the podcast this week (sorry - tired!) but before that, we take a look at the latest Corrie news in The Kabin, including catching up with how Ellie's getting on in Strictly - could we have the show's first winner from Weatherfield in a few weeks?
Intro and London trip chat: 00:00:00
Street Talk - 00:30:23
The Kabin - 02:30:58

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Vernon Tomlin Character Profile
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
For this week's bonus podcast, we chat about Liz's little drummer boy, Vernon Tomlin, who made his debut on Corrie just shy of 18 years ago. A loser in life, love and ultimately Liz, Vernon may not be anyone's favourite character, but his total inability to ever catch any kind of break at least makes him someone who many viewers from the time at least have a bit of a soft spot for. His dreams of hitting the big time with his band may never have come true, but for now, here's Vernon's hour in the spotlight.

Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Conversation Street Episode 603
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
On our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in Coronation Street between the 20th and the 24th November (Episodes #11115 - 11120).
This week, the vaping story ramped right up, with poor little Liam becoming the victim of Mason's bullying campaign. Elsewhere on the Street, Jenny and Daisy resolve to get the Rovers back to its former glory, and speaking of Glory, things aren't looking too good for her getting that Wendy house on Christmas Day if Ed's money problems continue to spiral. But hey, at least she'll still get Christmas on the cobbles, which definitely isn't guaranteed for Bernie, the way things are going!
To be honest, we didn't find a whole lot of talking points from this week's Corrie, so we got into the Kabin segment a fair bit sooner than usual, but even then, there were slim pickings amongst the news stories of the week - but hey, at least the acid story picked up a couple of gongs at the RTS North West Awards last night, so that's worth a mention! We round off the show with more of your fabulous feedback.
Street Talk - 00:08:10
The Kabin - 01:45:55
Feedback - 01:50:16

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Coronation Street Meets Doctor Who
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
This Thursday marks 60 years since Doctor Who first aired on TV, and to celebrate the occasion, this week's bonus podcast is dedicated to discussing the links between it and our favourite soap. After a lengthy discussion about our own personal histories of watching Doctor Who, including some of our favourite characters and episodes over the years, we chat about some of the many actors and show runners that it's shared with Corrie over the years - and uncover a few surprises along the way!